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Welcome to Oakwood Primary School

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Oakwood Primary School aspires to create a safe environment where children are able to achieve their full potential in all aspects of their learning and development. We will achieve this by creating a learning environment which is stimulating and challenging, inclusive and enjoyable.

Oakwood aims to promote a pride in a sense of belonging to our school and local community.

Class Dojo


At Oakwood, we use Class Dojo to communicate with parents and families about news and events taking place at school. If you are not signed up to your child's account, please get in touch with the school office.

New To Reception

reception starter

Would you like your child to start at Oakwood in September?

Click here for more information about Reception at Oakwood.

Remote Learning

Buildings Clip Art

For Remote Learning resources, please click here.

Curriculum, Values and Displays

Why not click on to your Child's Class Page and see what they are getting up to this term.

Take a look at our Curriculum Page and see what each year is learning.


Aspire Foundation


Aspire Foundation, previously known as Gardners Lane and Oakwood Federation, is a registered charity (1155305) founded to support children and families ‘aspire and achieve’.

We have over 20 years’ experience of delivering successful, high-quality early intervention services and educational programmes to families with young children. These include local Sure Start programmes, family support services, children’s centres, primary schools and early year’s settings.

We aim for children and families to achieve their potential together through the provision of support, information, learning and play opportunities.

Early Year Centres

Rowanfield Early Years

Gardners Lane Early Years

Hesters Way Early Years

Oakwood Early Years

Noah's Ark Early Years

We have lots of organisations who work with us at Oakwood.  Have a look at some of them:

CLC Logo
UoG Logo
YMM Logo
No Child Left Behind


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Paper Copies

If you would like a paper copy of any of the information on our school website then please contact the school office.

School Games School Of Sanctuary
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