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Team Tournaments

Y4 Netball tournament

Cedar Class finished their Netball unit with some shooting practice during their PE day and a House Competition this afternoon.

The class showed amazing passion, determination and team-work. It was fantastic to see them putting into practise the skills learned. Well done!

The competition was won by London, so well done to: Zara, Sophia, George, Mialie and Sharon.

2nd place; Beijing,

3rd place; Athens

and 4th place; Rio.


Values Bands will be awarded in assembly to:

Lollie - Self belief.                          Thomas  - Respect                          Sharon - Teamwork

Rominey - Passion                          Sophia  - Honesty                        Esmae   - Determination

Autumn 2023

Cedar Class Tennis Competition

Cedar class completed their PE unit with a tennis competition during their PE day.

The winners of the bouncing competition were: Beijing and the winners of the rally competition were London.:


The following children received value bands for:

Passion - Erica
Honesty - Kiki
Respect - Zara
Determination - Ryder
Self-Belief - Sian
Teamwork - Reggie



Fir Class gymnastics Competition

Fir Class held a gymnastics competition working in house groups to complete a variety of challenges, including; Simon Says e.g. Simon Says do a pike jump, etc., an animal relay race including a variety of different ways of travelling and a crawl and jump relay!

The winning house of the day was......Rio!!

The following children received value bands for:

Passion - Alfie and Zeynep
Honesty - Lena and Eric
Respect - Ellis and Sindos
Determination - Cassidy and Grace
Self-Belief - Lola and Leo
Teamwork - Beatrice and Rayne

Spring 2023

Hazel Class held a gymnastics competition working in pairs to create a routine containing; 2 balances, 1 jump. a roll and 1 additional element of their choice. The routines were judged by the class on: good balancing, flow, high quality movement, use of different levels and including all elements of the routine. The class took turns to be guest judges on the judging panel and we all had a really fun afternoon.

The winners of the competition were:

Julia and Kayden- 63 points


School Games Values bands will be awarded for:

Respect- Jasmine

Determination- Freddie

Honesty- Richie

Passion- Roxy

Teamwork- April

Self belief- Filip

C9 gym comp

Autumn 2022

Hazel Class held a Team Competition to complete their unit on Fotball. They played small sided games against each other. The winning teams were judged on a number of points:

- working together as a team

- good sportsmanship

- goals scored

- fair play


In 1st place were the Yellow team- Archie, Ivie, Malle and Julia.

2nd place, Blue Team-Filip, Rebecca, Ronnie, Roxy

3rd place; Green Team- Dexter, Freddie, Mohammad and Jasmine


School Games Values will be awarded for:

Determination- Ronnie                                                Respect- Mohammad

Passion-  Sharon                                                        Teamwork- Julia

Self belief-  Ella                                                         Honesty: Archie


Class 9 Team Orienteering Competition

Class 9 have been enjoying their unit on Team building, problem solving and orienteering. They have shown excellent co-operative skills and have tried hard to listen to each other and think of ways that they could ensure everyone is included and work as an active team member and how they could improve this in subsequent activities.

For our final orienteering task we completed a star orienteering competition, where children had to follow a series of clues and complete it in the fastest time.

The winning team was:  Reinee, Josh and Alayni,

Followed closely by: Sam, Poppy and Alice.


Well done, Class 9.

Class 9 Team gymnastics Competition

Class 9 held a gymnastics competition working in pairs to create a routine containing 6 elements. The routines were judged on: timing, flow, high quality movement, use of different levels and including all elements of the routine. The class took turns to be guest judges on the judging panel and we all had a really fun afternoon.

The winners of the competition were:

Izzy and Reinee- 60 points


School Games Values bands were awarded for:

Respect- Joey

Determination- AJ

Honesty- Alfie

Passion- Samira

Teamwork- Josh

Self belief- Lacey N

Class 5 gymnastics competition

  Interhouse Competition (Class 5) - Gymnastics  
  Monday 6th December 2021  
  Children created own routine consisting of:  
  Roll - Travel - Balance - Travel - Jump  
    Average Score   Class 5  
  London 9   Honesty George  
  Athens 8.5   Passion Lollie  
  Beijing 8   Respect Alice  
  Rio 7.5   Teamwork Kacper  
        Self Belief Mia  
        Determiation Arabella  

Autumn 2019

Year 6 - Intrasports

Year 6 have been working on intra sports, looking at a variety of PE skills.

From a challenging intrahouse competition, London emerged as the winning team.

The following children were awarded value bands for displaying our school games values throughout the competition: 

Respect - Summer
Determination - Tyrone
Passion - Molly
Self Belief - Jakub
Honesty - Owen-Lee
Teamwork - Elliot

Year 4 - Gymnastics

Autumn 2018

Year 3 - Netball

Class 7 held a Netball House Competition. 

The winning house was London! 

The following children were awarded value bands for displaying our school games values throughout the competition: 

Teamwork - Chase and Jake 

Determination - Riley and Lyle 

Honesty - Harley and Kiki 

Passion - Frankie and Toby 

Self-Belief - Brooke and Cayden 

Respect - Gabrielle and Cherish 


Well done to all children who participated! 

Class 4, Rolling competition

Year 1 have been focussing on rolling this term and have been taking part in a number of individual, paired and team challenges. 

Our competition involved rolling accurately to hit cones that were scattered around in front of the teams. Our winning team was London. The children from Class 4 representing Rio were; 

Lacey, Summer, Natalia, Archie, James, Aurora

Well done to Rio!


The children demonstrating the School Games Values throughout the competition and PE sessions were: 

David - Self-Belief 

 Jacob- Respect 

 Daisy- Honesty 

Lacey - Teamwork 

Dream - Passion 

Lucas - Determination 

Well done to all of the children who took part and demonstrated much improved skills.

Year 4 - O. A. A Competition

Year 4 (Classes 9 & 10), completed an O. A. A competition. This involved the chiildren having six different maps. Each map needed to be followed accurately in order to complete a task. Each map contained a station, each station gave the children a number which needed to be added together in order to get one final number at the end of each map. 
In order to win, the children in each team had to work together to find the correct number for all six maps. The team that correctly identified the number for all six maps first, were the winners! 

The winning house for the O. A. A competitions was London! 

In London house were the following children: 

Luca, Cian, Rylee, Chloe, Natalya, Olivia, Rosie, Malika, Bailey, Lewis, Jacob, Ellie, Rylee W

Value bands were awarded to the following children for showing the school games values throughout the competition: 

Lewis - Self-Belief 

Natalya - Respect 

Chloe - Honesty 

Rosie - Teamwork 

Luca - Passion 

Rylee W - Determination 

Well done to all the children who participated. 

Year 5 - Gymnastics Competition

Classes 11 and 12 held an gymnastics house competition within their classes. The children performed a range of gymnastics techniques before getting a score for their vault. They were scored for take off, landing and travelling on the vault, jump and landing off the vault. 

The winning houses from each class with the most overall points were: London from Class 11 and Rio from Class 12. When looking at points across the whole year group, the house with the most points was London with a total of 90.5 points!

School games value bands have been awarded to the folllowing children for showing particular qualities durinng their house competitions: 

Honesty: Noah and Archie 

Passion: Ivayla and Jess 

Determination: Leonardo and Summer 

Respect: Matthew and Molly 

Self-Belief: Leola and Tyler 

Teamwork: Archie and Amber 


Well done to all the children who particpated! 


Intra school house competitions Summer 2018

Year 3 - Rounders Competition

Class 7 and 8 joined together to participate in an intra house competition. The children were divided up into their house groups and competed to score rounders for their house. The teams included were: Rio, Beijing, London and Athens. Year 3 were happily joined by some children from year 6.  The year 6 children led the rounders matches, keeping score, guiding the children and giving them lots of encouragement. They were excellent role models! 

The children worked really hard during the afternoon in all of their rounders matches.

The winning house with a total of 18 rounders was Rio!

Well done Rio house and to all that particpated.

School games value bands have been awarded to children in class for showing passion, determination, honesty, self-belief, teamwork and respect.

Intra school house competitions Spring 2018

Year 1 - Class 3 Dance Competition

This term Class 3 have participated in Dance sessions with an external coach. They have learnt dance steps and movement skills based on their topic of Peter Rabbit. The children then enjoyed a Dance competition during their final Dance session. The class were divided into 4 groups who competed against each other and performed a Dance to the other groups. 

The winning team was Team 1!

This team included the following children: Oliva, Sam, AJ, Myles & Faith.

Value bands were given to the following children who displayed our school games values during the competition:

Passion: Rebecca

Determination: Junior

Respect: Izzy

Teamwork: Tyler

Self-Belief: Sam

Honesty: Riley

Well done to all of the children who participated in the dance sessions this term and in the competition!

Year 1 - Class 4 Intra Gym Competition

The children in class 4 have enjoyed competing against each other in a Gym competition.  This competition has enabled the children to use all of the skills they have been taught throughout the term.

The winning group with the following children was: Alfie F, Ruby, Stevie, AJ, Bella, Macie

Value bands have been awarded to the following children for displaying school games values:

Determination: Sara

Teamwork: Lennon

Passion: Izzy

Respect: Max

Honesty: Frankie

Self-Belief: Bonnie

Well done to all the children who participated in the intra competition!

Year 2 Intra Dance Competition

Year 2 held an intra house dance competition in within the year group.  The children learnt and performed routines with the winning teams as follows:

Team 1: Ines, Riley, Chase, Felicity, Jack

Team 2: Gabrielle, Youssef, Jake, Bella

Value Bands have been awarded to the following children for displaying school games values:

Passion: Cherry and Bella

Self-Belief: Kiki and Jude

Respect: Aiden and Riley

Honesty: Jaydon and Brooke

Teamwork: Malia and Ines

Determination: Ksawery and Youseff

Well done to all the children who took part in this intra competition!

Year 4 Intra Netball Competition

Throughout the term class 10 have developed their netball skills, including: throwing, catching, moving into space and teamwork. At the end of the term they used all of the skills they had been taught to compete against each other in their house teams.  They had lots of fun!

The winning house was Thames with the following players: Getty, Owen-Lee, Emily, Jesse, Leonardo & Gracie-Le

Value Bands were awarded to the following children for displaying our school games values:

Teamwork: Matthew

Determination: Chloe

Honesty: Alfie C

Respect: Dayana

Self-Belief: Leonardo

Well done Class 10!

Year 5 Dance Competition

This term year 5 have been joined by a Dance coach who has taught them a variety of Dance styles and steps this term. The classes were taught the following dance styles: Jazz, Samba, Jive, Flamenco and a modern dance session inspired by Michael Jackson!

Each class had a session where they competed against each other to perform a learnt routine where they had added their own steps.  

In class 11, the winning team was: Jersey, Alfie H, Amelia and McKenzie 

Value Bands were awarded to the following children: 

           Respect: Amelia                         Passion: Princess               Determination: McKenzie 

               Self-Belief: Alfie H                    Honesty: Alfie K               Teamwork: Jersey 

In class 12, the house team in first place was team Severn.  

Value Bands were awarded to the following children: 

             Self-Belief: Alfie B                        Determination: Ebony            Passion: Taya 

           Respect: Toby                              Teamwork: Jacob                     Honesty: Maddie 

Well done Year 5! 

Class 8 Dance Competition

This term Class 8 have been joined by a Dance coach who has taught them a variety of dance styles.  These have included: swing, jive and tap.  In our final session of the term, the children were divided into teams and were taught a dance routine which included steps they had learnt throughout the term. The teams then had to add their own steps onto the end of the routine.  The teams then performed to each other and a winning team that displayed good teamwork, determination and perserverance were chosen as the winners.

The winning team in Class 8 consisted of: Chloe, Hennessy, Lily-Mae, Lewis and Leah

All the children tried really hard and in recognition of this, the following children were awarded value bands for showing school values:

Passion - Isla and Chloe

Self-Belief - Tommy-Ray and Lewis

Determination: Tuluta and Macie-Paige

Teamwork - Rosie, Porsha and Elsie

Respect - Gabi and Malika

Class 8 have really enjoyed the dance sessions and have learnt lots of new skills and steps.

Year 5 Intra Sports Gymnastics Competition

Classes 11 and 12 held an Intra house gymnastics competition, where the children worked in twos to create, polish and perform a short routine focussing on counter balances and counter tension balances. A panel of Y5 judges awarded points against agreed criteria and the overall winning house was: AVON! Well done to all of you who were involved in this fantastic event, Miss Spencer and Mrs Castle were immensley proud of your teamwork, respect and determination.

Values bands will be awarded to:

Respect- Alfie K and Maddie

Determination- Leonardo and Alfie B

Passion- Jersey and Ruby P

Teamwork- Milly and Ebony G

Self-belief- Alfie H and Poppy

Honesty- McKenzie and Liam


Year 3 Intra sports Invasion Game

Classes 7 & 8 competed in an intra sport invasion game competition.  The classes were divided into 8 teams.  Each team competed in a knock out style competition where the winner of each game went through to the next round.  The children implemented all of the invasion game skills they had learnt in our netball sessions, such as: defending, throwing, catching and moving into space.  They displayed excellent teamwork and lots of passion.  It was a very fun afternoon in year 3!

The final was played between Thames 1 and Avon 1.  The winning team with 2 points was Thames 1 with the following children making up the team: Hennessy, Patrick, Malika, Natalya and Tuluta.

Value bands for displaying the important school games values are to be awarded the following children:

Teamwork - Hennessy

Passion - Chloe W

Determination - David

Self-Belief - Jasper

Honesty - Marta


Intra school house competitions Autumn 2017

Year 4 and 5 O. A. A Competition

Class 10 and 12 joined together to hold a joint Intra House Competition after receiving coaching in O. A. A this term.  The classes divided up into house teams and had an Orienteering Competition around the school grounds.  Each team comprised of both year 4 and 5 children.

The results were as follows:

1st - Severn

2nd - Avon

3rd - Windrush

4th - Thames

It is great to see the year groups come together to hold a joint competition.  It looks like the children thoroughly enjoyed it!

Nominations for school games value bands are as follows:

Respect: Tallulah and Matthew

Teamwork: Miley and Ivayla

Passion: Charlie-Dean and Jesse

Determination: Maia and Dayana

Self-Belief: Keiran and Reggie

Honesty: Coby and Leola

Well done to all who participated in the house competition across the year groups!


Year 4 Handball and Rugby Competition

Class 10 held two intra class tournaments this term.  The first competition was a handball tournament that took place indoors.  The competition was close but the winning team was Avon!

The second competition was a Rugby Competition.  Again the teams worked really hard to compete against each other to win, but the winning team again was Avon!.

The winning team Avon was represented by: Sienna, Matthew, Dayana, Alexia, Ivayla, Reggie

The following children were noticed for their constistently demonstrating the school sports vlaues and will be awarded value bands in the next sports assembly:

Teamwork: Sienna       Determination: Alfie S        Passion: Riley       Honesty: Getty

              Respect:  Alexia                                          Self Belief:  Leonardo

Well done Class 10!


Year 5 Badminton

Following their terms focus on Ball Skills, Class 11 held an intra sports badminton competition to bring together all the skills they had learnt during the term.  The children played in pairs across 3 courts. 

The winning pair of the competition was Charlie and Chelsea!

As a class the children defined the sports values and as a class then voted for the person they felt had displayed these qualities the best during the competition.

The following children were voted for by the class and will receive value bands in the next Sports Assembly:

Respect:  Joshua       Passion:  Chelsea             Determination:   Ryan          Teamwork: Chloe

                    Honesty: Charlie                                          Self Belief: Marco

Well done Class 11!


Year 5 Benchball

Following their terms focus on Ball Skills, Year 5 (C12) held a class intra sports Benchball competition.

The competition was close and all the teams competed well.  The results were as follows:

1st - Severn      2nd - Windrush      3rd - Avon     4th- Thames

Well done Class 12.

The children consistently demonstrating School Games Values, and who will be awarded with Value Bands in our next Sports Assembly were:

Passion: Dean                   Determination:  Lilly-May               Teamwork:  Layland           

Self Belief:  Jacob               Respect: Jesse                       


Year 2 gymnastics

Following their terms focus on gymnastics, Year 2 held a class Intra class vault competition.

Both classes scored 54 points. Well done to you all!

The overall best vaults demonstrated were by:   Bella and Lewis

The children consistently demonstrating School Games Values, and who will be awarded with Values Bands in our next Sports Assembly, were:

Passion - Kiki Cameron Class 5
Determination - Cherish Halford Class 6
Team work - Felicity Morris Class 6
Self Belief - Chase Jeffery Class 6
Respect - Aiden Cole-Williams  Class 5
Honesty - Bluebell Danaher  Class 5

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Competitions 16-17

We are really beginning to embed the cycle of Level 1 Intra Competitions at Oakwood, across a range of sports.

Click on the Athlete to view the competitions held throughout 2016-2017


Athletics Pictogram by Magirly


Tennis Ball by jgm104




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