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PE, School Sport and Activity during 2020-21

Summer 2020

We were so excited to be able to engage in some socially distanced Sports Competitions, held by Move More both off site and at school.

Move More SEND Panathlon- Ten Pin Bowling was attended by the Y6 bubble at Hollywood Bowl. The group demonstrated the school games values of Passion and Self-belief and secured 1st place. We have another fabulous Panathlon trophy in our cabinet in the entrance.

Move More Quad Kids , Y3/4- this was attended by a team from the Class 7 and 8 bubble.
They competed in a 50m sprint, 400m distance run, standing jump and throw and participated in some other fun athletic challenges too. The children were a credit to the school, demonstrating the values of determination and teamwork. Well done to them all!

Move More Panathlon- due to the cancellation of the Panathlon events off site, we were lucky to receive the Panathlon UK Team who put on a whole day schedule of Panathlon events for the classes who were not isolating at home during this time. Classes 5 and 6 and the the Class 9 and 10  bubble were able to take part and had a fantastic time. 


We were also delighted to support Move More as a venue for the HAF programme for 2 weeks across the Summer holidays.

Spring 2020

Here we are again in 'Lockdown' working with Key Worker and Vulnerable children, with no access to indoor facilities. During this time PE and activity are more important than ever. All groups are engaging in daily Wake Up and Shake Up style activities and Reflection/ Yoga activities. We are all looking forward getting to grips with the new Orienteering resources Mrs Godsell has put together for us, to be able to work on Team Building and Problem Solving skills outside in an active way.


After a successful and very active term focussing on Outdoor and Adventurous Activities, we are going to have a permanent Orienteering Course set up around school and can't wait to start using it.

AUTUMN 2020- World Mental Health Day