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About Us

Our Children’s Centre provides the children through play activities, an early start in their understanding of mathematics and language skills.  Outside play, painting and music help them learn to share and interact with each other.

As they move into the Infant classes in School their work and play is built on so that at the end of the Foundation Stage in Reception year they are ready for more formal lessons.  The Class Teacher and Teaching Assistant will be concentrating on developing and strengthening their reading, writing, mathematical and ICT skills.

All the children will also have the opportunity to express themselves through drama, art, music and physical education and develop their moral and spiritual understanding of the world in religious education and citizenship.

The school participates in themed weeks and annual events such as World Book Day, Maths Day and Children in Need.

Parents will receive a written report on their child’s progress every year and will have regular opportunities to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher.

Policy Documents for all curriculum subjects are available in school and on our website for your inspection.


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