Autumn 2018
Cross Country
This term Miss Spencer is leading a group of long distance runners as part of the Oakwood Cross Country Team. They have four cross country meets throughut the year, including:
Race 1 - Newlands Rugby Club
Race 2 - St Edwards Schoool
Race 3 - Cheltenham College
Race 4 - St Edwards School.
The children have completed the first two races and represented the school well. They worked really hard to complete the course and showed lots of determination and effort.
We wish them the best of luck as they begin to train for the future races in the Spring Term!
Football Team
Mr Hepworth is leading a team of year 5/6 pupils as part of the Oakwood Football Team. They are currently in the process of completing some of their league matches. Oakwood won their first match.
We wish them the best of luck as they progress through the league.
PE Assistant
Oakwood are pleased to welcome Sam Lane, who will be with us on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons for the entire year. Sam has been working alongside class teachers in lessons, at clubs and providing some additional active opportunities at lunchtimes, whilst also providing some welcome support behind the scenes regarding our developing PE curriculum. Look out for Miss Lane around school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.