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*******WHAT's NEW?******* in 2023-24

Summer Term 2024

Team Rubicon- scootering and skateboarding

Move More Tri-Golf Tournament

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Move More Quad Kids Athletics

This morning, 8 children from Year 3 and Yeas 4 attended the Quad Kids Athletics tournament. They all competed in a 50m sprint, 400m long distance, standing long jump and howler throw. The entire team showed incredible passion and determination and came 5th overall. However both George and Evie achieved individual 2nd place medals in the boys and girls events respectively, out of the 35 other children. Well done to you all.

Move More Tag Rugby Tournament

Yesterday Mrs Godsell's Tag-Rugby team attended the long awaited tournament at Newlands with Mrs Castle and Mrs Robertson. They braved the persistent rain and came first within their pool in the afternoon. They were also awarded the 'fair play' award for the respect they showed to other competitors, team mates and officials. They also demonstrated the values of passion, self-belief and determination. Well done to you all!


WHOOPA!!!! What an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G day!

We had the best time when Jump Start Jonny visited Oakwood. We really enjoyed getting active. Oakwood you are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!


Spring Term 2024

Path to Paris

Path to Paris update (Feb 2024)

Our current distances are:

Oakwood Unstoppables- 40, 439km from Paris, having travelled 24, 065km.

Cartwright on a bike-  62, 431km from Paris, having travelled 2073 km.

Move More programmes


We have 16 children looking forward to attending the FUNdamentals and Maximise your potential programmes run by Move More at Oxstalls Sports Campus over 3 dates during Feb-April.


Have you heard the news?????

Oakwood pupils (and staff) are extremely excited to hear that Jump Start Jonny will be visiting us very soon. We are all practising his routines to impress him on the day. We can't wait! Whoopa!

Try some at home at https://www.jumpstartjonny.co.uk/#

Move More Springers Netball Fun league

Oakwood Netball team had their first match against another school tonight and played fantastically. Team captain Archie and his team drew winning 5 matches each against the team they played. Team captain Daisy's team were narrowly defeated 5 matches to 6. 

The entire team displayed the Oakwood vaues incredibly well- particularly determination, respect and teamwork. We are all very proud of you.

Move More Y5/6 Key Steps Gymnastics Competition

What an amazing morning. Our Year 5/6 gymnastics teams have made us immensely proud. All 12 gymnasts competed on floor and vault- demonstrating incredible determination, passion and teamwork. These values were rewarded with both team and individual medals. Well done to you all. 

Team results

Oakwood Star Team- 3rd place.

Oakwood Galaxy Team- 2nd place.


Individual results 

Vault 2nd place- Lacey and Honey

Vault 1st place- Nell, Marlene and Imogen.


Move More Key Steps Y1/2 Gymnastics

Miss Haines and Mr Boston are extremely proud of threir Year 2 gymnastics team who competed at Rowan Gymnastics today. The children have been working hard learning a floor routine which they completed beautifully, and a vault jump from a springboard. 

The passion, self belief and determination was clear to see and the team was awarded 1st place- each receiving a gold medal. 

A special congratulations to Evie who won 3rd place on floor and on vault. 
Also to Archie and Sophia who came 2nd on vault and Zachary who came 1st on vault and 2nd on floor.


Move More KS1 and KS2 Panathlon

During the morning of January 15th, 10 Y1/2 children attended Panathlon event at All Saint's School. The team displayed incredible teamwork, determination and respect throughout the series of activities they completed. Out of the 9 schools, the Oakwood KS1 team finished 3rd. Well done. 

During the afternoon, our KS2 team of children from Y3-6 attended the Panathlon event. They displayed the Oakwood values of teamwork, respect and passion incredibly well. They came 1st in the poly bat activity  Overall we finished 4th out of the 8 schools attending. Well done Team Oakwood. 


Move More Key Steps Y3/4 Gymnastics

A massive well done to Oakwood Year 3 and a year 4 gymnastics teams that competed in Key Steps competition today. All 12 children represented the school amazingly and we could not be more proud of you. A special mention to Alicia who gained 3rd place on floor and 3rd place on vault. 


Autumn 2023

Move More Multiskills

Multiskills 2

Y2 attended Christmas Move More Multiskills this week and had a fantastic time.

Move More Cross Country

The boys and girls have now both run the first 2 Cross Country vents of the season. The final two will be in Feb/ March. Well done to everyone that attended- it was great to have some new faces as part of the team

Move More SEND Panathlon

Ten Pin 11_23

Six children attended the Ten Pin bowling competition at Hollywood Bowl on Friday. They represented Oakwood amazingly, demonstrating determination and respect. They came 3rd overall and were very proud of their Bronze medals. Well done team!

A massive thank you also to Cheltenham College who provided the transport to allow to participate.

Skate and Skoot

This year KS2 can skate or skoot on their MUGA day in addition to skating with James on a Tuesday lunchtime.


Path to Paris

This year we are participating in Path to Paris- logging all of our active minutes in school and at home. Mr Cartwright is also logging his cycles to school. Will we beat him to Paris?

As of Thursday 12th October, our current distances are:

Oakwood Unstoppables- 57,226km from Paris, having travelled 5207 km

Cartwright on a bike-  64, 036km from Paris, having travelled 581km




Bounce Beyond for Mental Health Week

We are very excited to invite Bounce Beyond back to Oakwood for some fun whilst 'Being Active' during Mental Health Week this year.



Move More Cross Country

Congratulations to the Cross Country Team who ran at Newlands on Tuesday night. It was great to have some new members join the team and we can't wait for Sycamore class to return from Residential for a few more runners to take part in next weeks races.. Well done to all of you. A brilliant runand you should be extrememly proud of the determination and teamwork displayed throughout the evening.